Golf Leagues

At Oak Ridge Golf Course in Rock County Wisconsin

Golf Leagues for all style golfers

Oak Ridge Golf Course offers various leagues for all types and abilities of golfers.  Players needed for all leagues, call the pro shop if you have any questions 608-868-4353.

Additional league information coming soon.  League schedules are available at the golf course.

Monday Morning Senior League
Start playing any Monday.
Just come out at 8:00am to sign up for the day–shotgun start at 8:30am!

Monday Night Ladies League
5:25pm Shotgun Start–9 holes.
Ladies of all abilities are welcome in this league. There is no weekly commitment or pre-payment. Call Andrea for details at 608-868-4353.

Tuesday Jim’s Skins Game League & Championship
Want to win CASH while playing on Tuesdays? Then, this is your league!

Wednesday Night Men’s League
5:15pm Shotgun Start.
See Kirk to sign up–4-man teams–we need more players!

Thursday Night Men’s League
5:15pm Shotgun Start.
See Kirk to sign up–4-man teams!

Friday Night “Fun Golf”
This year, there will be approximately 6 nights of “fun golf” that is only for people who want to have FUN!  No pressure!  No “Serious” Golf!–More info to come.  This replaces the “Friday Couples League” that we have had for many years.  “League” was often perceived as required play and based on ability….but, this FUN golf is open to all golfers of all abilities, and is anything but “serious!”



Oak Ridge Golf Course

1238 Bowers Lake Road, Milton, WI 53563
(608) 868-4353
[email protected]